Homework 4


March 5, 2023

Due 3/10/23 @ 11:59 PM

Use an RMD Notebook file from to create the assignment.

Update inqstools for new template format.


You will need to knit the document if you use “M408 Alternative”.

You must comment all your code to receive credit.

Submit the *nb.html or *.html file to canvas.

Problem 1

The faithful data set in R contains information on eruptions time and waiting time. Describe the relationship between waiting (independent) and eruptions (dependent).

You must provide descriptive statistics, visuals, and model.

Problem 2

The cats data set from the MASS package contains information of cat body weight (kg; Bwt) and heart weight (g; Hwt). Fit a model to see if there is a significant association between body weight (predictor) and heart weight (outcome).

You must provide descriptive statistics, visuals, and model.

Problem 3

When estimating the \(\beta\) coefficients, we are minimizing the sum of error squares:

\[ \sum^n_{i=1}(y_i-(\beta_0+\beta_1x_i))^2 \]

We square the errors to make sure we do not lose information when summing up all the values. However, what if we try to use an absolute value:

\[ \sum^n_{i=1}|y_i-(\beta_0+\beta_1x_i)| \]

Simulate a data set, estimate the coefficients, and compare the results. Are they the same or different?

Problem 4

Conduct a simulation assessing which case from problem 3 is better.

To assess which case is better compare the mean and standard deviations of the simulated-estimated coefficients.