Welcome to the course! This is the home page of the course where I will provide a recap on what was covered in the week. Here I will post any documents or videos for your reference. If you have any questions, please email me at isaac.qs@csuci.edu.
We will discuss Linear Regression.
We will discuss essential concepts to hypothesis testing.
These two weeks, we begin our discussion on hypothesis testing.
This week, we will evaluate the goodness of point estimators.
This week, we will evaluate the goodness of point estimators and confidence intervals.
This week, we will learn about Maximum Likelihood Estimators and Method of Moments Estimators.
This week, we will review functions of random variables and introduce the idea of sampling distributions and Central Limit Theorem.
This week, we will review basic properties of MGFs and introduce markdown and R/QMDs.
This week we will review basic concepts related to distribution functions and random variables
This week is designed to be an introduction week. We will briefly discuss topics related statistics and inference. Then we will look at installing R and RStudio as well as the basics of using R.