Homework 1
Homework 1 is due 9/6/2022 at 11:59 PM. Submit your homework on Canvas as one PDF document.
The PDF version of this assignment can be found here.
- X\sim Bin(n,p), show the variance of Binomial distribution to be np(1-p).
- X\sim Pois(\lambda) , show the variance of a Poisson distribution to be \lambda.
- X\sim Unif(a,b), show the variance is a \frac{(b-a)^2}{12}.
- X\sim N(\mu,\sigma^2), show the variance to be \sigma².
- Prove one of the following:
X\sim Gamma(\alpha,\beta), find the E(X).
X\sim Beta(\alpha,\beta), find the E(X)
- Find a distribution where the expected value does not exist.