
The goal of this assignment is to continue our exploration of loops, while loops, and if and else statements. Please use the RMD file FIRST_LAST_HW_03.Rmd to answer your questions. Delete code or answer chunks as necessary. You will submit both the RMD file and the corresponding HTML file from the knitted document.

Note: you may need to search the internet to find answers for some of the questions.

You will be graded as follows:

  • Does your R chunks run (some errors are acceptable in this assignment)?
  • Have you completed the assignment in its entirety?
  • Have you followed the instructions carefully?
  • Have you responded to the questions correctly?


  • (20 pts) Have you completed the assignment in its entirety?

  • (20 pts) Are your responses correct for the subset of randomly graded questions?

  • (5 pts) CODE DOCUMENTATION. Add comments to nearly every line explaining what the line of code is doing.

  • (5 pts) Submitted Knitted Document


Part 1


Part A

Is to be completed in Lab 3B. Below is a description of what is necessary from the lab.

  • Generating a vector filled with Fibonacci Numbers.

  • Generating a vector filled with Triangular Numbers.

  • Generating a vector filled with Tetrahedral Numbers.

Part B


Create a vector containing only the even numbers from the Fibonacci sequence. Hint: Use loops, if else statements and divide each number by 2 using %%. Find the sum of all the even Fibonacci numbers?


Create a vector containing only the even numbers from the Triangular sequence. Hint: Use loops, if else statements and divide each number by 2 using %%. Find the sum of all the even Triangular numbers?


Create a vector containing only the even numbers from the Tetrahedral sequence. Hint: Use loops, if else statements and divide each number by 2 using %%. Find the sum of all the even Tetrahedral numbers?

Part 2

Use the following matrix for Part 2 questions:

x <- matrix(1:100, nrow = 10)
##       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
##  [1,]    1   11   21   31   41   51   61   71   81    91
##  [2,]    2   12   22   32   42   52   62   72   82    92
##  [3,]    3   13   23   33   43   53   63   73   83    93
##  [4,]    4   14   24   34   44   54   64   74   84    94
##  [5,]    5   15   25   35   45   55   65   75   85    95
##  [6,]    6   16   26   36   46   56   66   76   86    96
##  [7,]    7   17   27   37   47   57   67   77   87    97
##  [8,]    8   18   28   38   48   58   68   78   88    98
##  [9,]    9   19   29   39   49   59   69   79   89    99
## [10,]   10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100


The colSums function will add all the values in each column of a matrix. Instead of using the colSums function, write a loop that will produce the same results.


The rowMeans function will compute the mean for each row in a matrix. Instead of using the rowMeans function, write a loop that will produce the same results.


Create a logical \(10 \times 10\) matrix indicating whether each element in matrix x is either even (TRUE) or odd (FALSE).

Part 3


Write a for loop that iterates over the column names of the mtcars data set and prints the name with the number of characters in the column name in parentheses.

Example output: "mpg (3)".

Use the following functions, and any others you wish: paste and nchar functions.

Note: nchar function counts how many characters are in a string.


Use a while loop to investigate the number of terms required until the product of


reaches above 1 million. How many elements is needed to reach 1 million.


Write a while loop that prints out standard random normal numbers (use rnorm) but stops (breaks) if you get a number bigger than 1.


Using a while loop, generate a 100 positive values from a standard normal distribution. Your vector should look similar to the vector below.

##   [1] 1.011010158 1.537575040 1.341510660 1.064515360 0.066071748 0.029092585
##   [7] 1.412751175 0.972670043 0.580242248 0.479153387 0.330257451 0.098798188
##  [13] 0.950282616 0.089968514 0.638508945 0.093530123 1.058760927 0.855611994
##  [19] 1.222208430 1.415105070 0.365107792 0.271386733 0.365306289 1.671957619
##  [25] 1.524889920 2.019418218 0.238135359 0.493558516 1.807449950 1.149605890
##  [31] 1.016610155 0.810076008 1.890126258 0.856555795 0.770107022 0.384640207
##  [37] 0.174369400 1.031321040 0.571630027 0.971689398 0.869167729 0.097638789
##  [43] 0.286020251 1.169119199 0.121613980 0.298412331 0.578623884 0.009499955
##  [49] 1.077232718 0.616007377 1.184187335 0.395468968 0.345406276 1.470769854
##  [55] 0.976863524 1.327696681 0.008806787 1.355427698 0.972945782 1.490867105
##  [61] 1.286643044 0.249618238 1.983017470 0.380277770 0.039665214 1.356740412
##  [67] 0.426818729 0.742394426 0.529056350 0.119223489 0.016616357 0.211217746
##  [73] 1.855662907 0.562278840 0.648686706 0.655516992 0.351393410 0.091066320
##  [79] 0.604324211 0.515949020 2.089040279 0.743307336 1.478835480 1.935790827
##  [85] 0.360015804 0.663067820 0.170485200 0.170440051 0.906595671 0.711182024
##  [91] 0.345125530 1.273845794 1.115722189 0.531868988 0.904623644 0.351014836
##  [97] 0.737518389 0.560867732 1.754492358 0.098945813

Part 4


Watch the following video

What is recursion?


Watch the following video

What is the difference between loops and recursion?