The goal of this lab is have you practice hypothesis testing in R.

Throughout the lab, there are questions that you will need to answer. Please submit your answers to the quiz on Canvas. Make sure to follow the directions to receive credit.

While you will not need to submit any files for this lab. It is recommended that you use an R Script to answer the questions. As with HW 3, part of your work in this lab will be used for HW 4.

Question 1

Load the dreams.RData into R. The dreams data contains information about two soporific drugs (group) and their affect on sleep (extra). Find the mean and standard deviation for the variable extra in each group from the variable group.

Question 2

Test if the data for each group is normally distributed using the Shapiro-Wilks Test.

Question 3

Test the assumption of equal variance.

Question 4

Conduct a two sample independent t-test to see if the two groups are different from each other.

Question 5

At an \(\alpha\) of 0.05, are the two groups different from each other?