Extra Credit 2: Building a Website

This extra credit assignment will have you build a website. The goal is for you to get more familiar with what RMarkdown can do with websites. Your task is to create a personal website about yourself, build the website, and zip the docs folder. Submit the zipped docs folder to canvas by Sunday (7/18/21) @ 11:59 PM PST to receive credit.


You have the potential to gain 4 percentage points to your overall grade. This is the grading breakdown:

  • Having a home page: 1 percentage point

    • The landing page of your website. Include anything you want people to know about you.
  • Having an Education page: 1 percentage point

    • Write your educational background. What is your major? Minor? Clubs?
  • Having a Statistical Interests page: 1 percentage point

    • Write about your statistical interests.
  • Having an additional page: 1 percentage point

    • Create an additional page about anything. It can be your interests. It can be anything.

Required Software

  • R

  • RStudio

  • RMarkdown

Extra Credit 1: RMD Diagnostic

This extra credit assignment will have you fix an RMD file (report.Rmd) and reproduce the PDF file (final_report.pdf) associated with the assignment. Your task is to fix all mistakes in the RMD file and knit the document. This will require to read the error produced by knitting the document and fixing the problem. Once you fix all the problems, you should be able to knit the document. To prevent any further errors, document the line and error in case you need to restart. Submit the fixed PDF to canvas by Sunday (7/11/21) @ 11:59 PM PST to receive credit. You will also need to install the Required Software to be able to produce the PDF document. Additionally, you will need to have the Example.bib file saved in the same folder with the RMD file.


Critical Issues

There are 4 critical issues in the RMD file. These issues will prevent you from knitting the document. Your task is to fix these issues and knit the document. Use the output Note: You will need to install the required software or more issues will prevent you from knitting the document.

Minor Issues

There are 3 minor issues within the document. These will not prevent the document from being knitted. However, you are required to fix one of them. Use the provided PDF file to help identify what may be the issue.


You have the potential of gaining 4 percentage points to your overall grade. This is the grading breakdown:

  • Typing your name where specified (“TYPE_NAME_HERE”): 1 percentage point

  • Fixing all critical issues: 2 percentage points

  • Fixing one minor issue: 1 percentage point

Requred Software

Required R Packages:

Required LaTeX Distribution:

