Week 5: Functional Programming and Tidyverse

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Week 5! This week focuses on functions, *apply functions, and tidyverse packages: dplyr, tidyr, and purrr.


  • No Lab or HW this week

  • Tutorial Book DUE July 21, @ 11:59 PM PT

  • Final on Friday July 23

    • Take Home Final

    • Available Friday July 23 @ 12:00 AM PT

    • DUE Friday July 23 @ 11:59 PM PT

    • Final is cumulative

    • Final contains material from this week

    • More Information will be provided


This week I will be recording participation for everyone. Additionally, I will allow any contributions to Canvas’ discussion board to count as your participation for the week. You may also meet with me during my office hours. Please email me if you have any questions.


Please check your grades on canvas this week for any discrepancies. If you identify anything, please let me know. You have until Friday July 23 to address any concerns.


Video Description Files
Fx_1 Introduction to Functions Fx_1.R
Fx_2 Multiple Arguments Function Fx_2.R
Fx_3 return Function Fx_3.R
Fx_4 Logical Arguments Fx_4.R
sapply_1 Introduction to sapply sapply_1.R
sapply_2 Simplify to Matrix sapply_2.R
lists Introduction to Lists lists.R
lapply_1 Introduction to lapply lapply_1.R
tidyverse Intro to Tidyverse
dplyr Intro to dplyr
tidyr Intro to tidyr
dplyr_1 Mutate Function dplyr_1.R, data_1.csv
dplyr_2 Select Function dplyr_2.R, data_1.csv
dplyr_3 Filter Function dplyr_3.R, data_1.csv
dplyr_4 Pipe Operator dplyr_4.R, data_1.csv
dplyr_5 Summarize Function dplyr_5.R, data_1.csv
dplyr_6 Group_by Function dplyr_6.R, data_1.csv
dplyr_7 Merging Data dplyr_7.R, data_2a.csv, data_2b.csv
tidyr_1 Wide to Long Data tidyr_1.R, data_3.csv
tidyr_2 Long to Wide Data tidyr_2.R, data_3.csv
tidyr_3 Separate Function tidyr_3.R, data_4.csv
tidyr_4 Separate_rows Function tidyr_4.R, data_4.csv
tidyr_5 Unite Function tidyr_5.R, data_4.csv
purrr_1 Intro to Map Functions purrr_1.R
purrr_2 Intro to Nest Functions purrr_2.R

HW Videos

Video Description
HW_4_1 Part 1
HW_4_2 Part 2

Week 4: Plotting, Hypothesis Testing, and Simple Linear Regression

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Week 4! This week focuses on plots, hypothesis testing, and simple linear regression. This week may be challenging if you do not remember hypothesis testing or simple linear regression. However, the main focus in on conducting the tests in R and not the formulas. I urge everyone to begin working on the HW and Labs and watching the videos as soon as possible.


  • More info on tutorial’s next topic: Times and Dates

  • Expect an announcement the second Extra Credit Assignment


This week I will be recording participation for everyone. Additionally, I will allow any contributions to Canvas’ discussion board to count as your participation for the week. You may also meet with me during my office hours. Please email me if you have any questions.


Video Description Files
plots_1 I ntroduction to Plotting plots_1.R
plots_2 Univariate Plots plots_2.R
plots_3 Univariate Character Plots plots_3.R
plots_4 Bivariate Character Plots plots_4.R
plots_5 Bivariate Continuous Plots plots_5.R
plots_6 Stratified Plots plots_6.R
gg plots_1 I ntroduction to ggplot2 ggplots_1.R
gg plots_2 Univariate Categorical Plots ggplots_2.R
gg plots_3 Bivariate Categorical Plots ggplots_3.R
gg plots_4 Bivariate Continuous Plots ggplots_4.R
gg plots_5 Grids ggplots_5.R
gg plots_6 Cus tomizations ggplots_6.R
In tro_Hyp I ntroduction to Hypothesis Testing

One-Sample Hypothesis Testing one_sample.R
one_s ample_2 Testing Assumption of Normally Distributed Data one_sample_2.R

Two-Sample Independent t-test two_sample.R
two_ s ample_2 Testing assumption of equal variance two_sample_2.R
paired Paired t-test paired.R
corr elation Correlation Tests correlation.R
slr Simple Linear Regression slr.R

Additionally, here are a set of videos on RMarkdown. These videos may be useful for your Tutorial Book Assignment

Video Description
HW_2_1 HW 2 Part 1
HW_2_2 HW 2 Part 2
HW_3_1 HW 3 Part 1
HW_3_2 HW 3 Part 2
HW_3_3 HW 3 Part 3



Complete Lab 4A by Thu (7/13/21) @ 11:59 PM.

Focuses on ggplots.

You will need the following files: df1.csv and df2.csv.

You can access the Lab Here or the PDF file.

Complete Lab 4B by Thu (7/15/21) @ 11:59 PM.

Focuses on Hypothesis Testing.

You will need the following files: dreams.RData

You can access the Lab Here or the PDF file.


Homework 4 explores plotting and hypothesis testing. Homework 4 is different from the other homeworks and I encourage everyone to begin it as soon as possible.

Use the provided RMD file as a template to submit your HW.

HW 4 Due Sat (7/17/21) @ 11:59 PM.

You will need the following files: df3.csv.

You can access the Lab Here or the PDF File

Week 3: Control Flow: Loops, While Loops, If and Else Statements

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Week 3! This week focuses on working with loops, while loops, and if/else statements. This is a challenging topic. I urge everyone to begin working on the HW and Labs and watching the videos as soon as possible.


  • Monday (7/5) is UCR’s observance of 4th of July, No Classes

  • No Lab 3A for this week

  • More info on tutorial’s next topic: Categorical Hypothesis Testing

  • Expect an announcement the first Extra Credit Assignment


This week I will be recording participation for everyone. However, due to the shorten week, you can contribute to Canvas’ discussion board. This will count as your participation for the week. You may also meet with me during my office hours. Please email me if you have any questions.


V ideo Description Files
cf_l oops Introduction loops cf_loops.R
_lop ps_2
Nested Loops cf_loops_2.R
_loo ps_3
Object Generation cf_loops_3.R
cf if else Introduction to if/else statements cf_if_else.R
_els e_if
Introduction to else/if statements cf_else_if.R
cf_w hile Introduction to while loops cf_while.R
cf_i nf_w hile Introduction to inf while loops cf _inf_while.R
Introduction to try function cf_try.R
c f_bn Introduction to break and next statements cf_bn.R

Additionally, here are a set of videos on RMarkdown. These videos may be useful for your Tutorial Book Assignment

Video Description
rmd_1 Introduction to Visual Editor
rmd_2 ioslides and slidly
rmd_3 xaringan
rmd_4 website
rmd_5 Math Expression



Complete Lab 3 by Thu (7/08/21) @ 11:59 PM.

You can access the Lab Here or the PDF file.


Homework 3 explores different control flow mechanisms. Homework 3 is more challenging than Homework 1 or 2 and I encourage everyone to begin it as soon as possible.

Use the provided RMD file as a template to submit your HW.

HW 3 Due Sat (7/10/21) @ 11:59 PM.

You can access the Lab Here or the PDF File

Week 2: Directories, Matrices, and Data Frames

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Week 2! This week focuses on working with data frames, matrices, indexing and directories. Watch the videos to learn more about these topics. Work through the R Scripts, try to replicate the videos, and break the code to learn more.


  • Monday (6/28) is UCR’s observance of Juneteenth, No Classes

  • No Lab 2A for this week

  • Expect an announcement about the tutorial book later this week


This week I will be recording participation for everyone. However, due to the shorten week, you can contribute to Canvas’ discussion board. This will count as your participation for the week. You may also meet with me during my office hours. Please email me if you have any questions.


V ideo Description Files
v ecto rs_2 Vector Indices vectors_2.R
r eadi ng_1 How to use RStudio import wizard data_3_1.csv data_3_1.xlsx data_3_1_s.txt data_3_1_sc.txt data_3_1.sav data_3_1.sas7bdat data_3_1.dta
r eadi ng_2 Reading Datasets: readr vs Base R reading_2.R data.csv data.xlsx data.dta
writ i ng_ data Writing to csv and dta files writing_data.R
dir ecto ries Directories and RStudio Projects directories.R
d irec tori es_2 RStudio Project Organization
logi cals Logical Comparisons logical.R
ma trix Intro to Matrices matrix.R
matr ix_2 Matrix Indexing matrix_2.R
matr ix_3 Matrix Functions matrix_3.R
matr ix_4 Matrix Arithmetic Operations matrix_4.R
matr ix_5 Combining Matrices matrix_5.R
d ata

_fra me_1
Building Data Frames data_frame_1.R
d ata

_fra me_2
Tibbles data_frame_2.R
d ata

_fra me_3
Creating Variables data_frame_3.R
d ata

_fra me_4
ifelse Function data_frame_4.R
d ata

_fra me_5
Data Subset data_frame_5.R
d ata

_fra me_6
Merging Data Sets data_frame_6.R
d ata

_fra me_7
tapply Function data_frame_7.R



Complete Lab 2 by Thu (7/01/21) @ 11:59 PM.

You can access the Lab Here or the PDF file.


Homework 2 explores matrices and Data Frames. Homework 2 is considerably much longer than Homework 1 and I encourage everyone to begin it as soon as possible.

Use the provided RMD file as a template to submit your HW.

HW 2 Due Sat (7/03/21) @ 11:59 PM.

You can access the Lab Here or the PDF File


Expect and announcement about the tutorial book.

Week 1: Introductions

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to Week 1! The general theme for this week is introduction. You will be introduced to many topics giving you the basic ideas of R Programming, RStudio, and RMarkdown.

This my recommend order for you to watch the videos:

  1. install_r

  2. rstudio

  3. calculator

  4. assignment

  5. data_type

  6. vectors

  7. sum_stats

  8. r_functions

  9. data_frames

  10. r_packages

  11. Any Order

    • scripting

    • debugging

    • comments

  12. rmarkdown

Assignments Due for the week:

Lab 1A Due Tuesday (6/22/21) @ 11:59 PM

Lab 1B Due Thursday (6/24/21) @ 11:59 PM

HW1 Due Saturday (6/26/21) @ 11:59 PM

Next Week Topics: RMarkdown, Workspaces, Directories, Data Frames, Data Cleaning, Matrices, Vectors, Lists, and Indexing

Participation: Starting Week 2, students are required to meet with the instructor once a week for a 5-10 minute meeting for their participation grade. If you need any accommodations, please contact the instructor as soon as possible.

Office Hours Information

Isaac: MW 9-11AM Dylan: T 11AM-12PM

Zoom Link (shared): visit Canvas

Have a great first week!

